✨ Features Overview

Yassi allows you to retrieve and set the status of various features on your Samsung Soundbar. Below is a breakdown of capabilities organized by entity type.

media_player Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Poweron / offRead, Write
Volumeset, stepRead, Write
Input SelectionselectRead, Write
Sound ModeselectRead, Write
Playback Controlplay, pauseWrite
Media Informationartwork, title, artistRead

number Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Woofer LevelsetRead, Write

select Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Inputinput, supported_inputsRead, Write
Sound Modeactive_soundmode, supported_soundmodesRead, Write
EQ-Presetactive_eq_preset, supported_eq_presetRead, Write

button Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Night ModetoggleRead, Write
Voice AmplifiertoggleRead, Write
Bass ModetoggleRead, Write

image Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Media Cover ArtdisplayRead

sensor Entity

FeatureCapabilityAccess Type
Volumefloat sensor valueRead

Hopefully this format provides a clear and concise view of what Yassi can do with your Samsung Soundbar, making it easier to understand and configure.